Mumma Musing Series 4 ~ Emily Donkin

Mumma Musing Series 4 ~ Emily Donkin

Welcome to our Mumma Musing Series 4… this month we speak with boutique surf store owner, Emily Donkin... Mumma to Velzy and wife to Tommy, Here's a little peek into her life...

 Tell us a little about you, your family and your journey into Motherhood...

My names Emily, im a mother to Velzy and wife to Tommy. I grew up in Burleigh Heads & it was always home until last year. We now live in a little town outside of Yamba, NSW. Its a sleepy town amongst the gumtrees, an idyllic place to bring up children. My transition into motherhood was magic. (Although long, my little guy arrived happy & healthy by an emergency cesarean) Velzy fed & slept well right from the start so I feel beyond blessed with my transition into motherhood. 

What does Motherhood mean to you?

A new role, but the most important, challenging & rewarding role you could ever have. And when they smile at you it just makes your heart explode - its extraordinary.  

Mumma Musing Series 4

Motherhood is no easy feat, who do you look to for inspiration, motivation and advice?

Ive just recently got onto “Beyond the Bump” podcast, it's really nice to hear other peoples experiences & to know other people are going through the same things. Because we all have bad days. 

What part of becoming a parent did you find most challenging or unexpected?

I think the most challenging part of becoming a parent is making time for yourself. It’s really important to get some of your own time to do what makes you feel good. For me it's a swim at the beach or having a coffee in the sun. 

What part of Motherhood brings you the most joy and happiness?

The best part of motherhood for me is watching Velzy's personality grow! I just love watching him smile & giggle.. I make sure each day we have time to be silly and have a good giggle together. 


How do you juggle work, life, family?

My work, life, family balance has been a little wild lately but we are finding our groove. We opened a boutique surf store called “Near The Sea” in Iluka in March this year. I work 5-6 days a week with my little man by my side. My hubby also works full-time & helps out in the store but we make sure we have all day Sunday as a family day.

What do you (or did you) love most about your Bubba Cloud baby Lounger? 

Yes we’ve had a bubba cloud baby lounger since the day Velzy was born & we have used it so much! I love the versatility of it, in the early days I would use the bubba cloud in my pram and woven basket for comfort & safety. And I still use it everyday now and his 6 months old. 

If you could give one piece of advice to a new/expecting mother, what would it be? 

Try let your bub have one nap a day on you, soak it all in.. They grow so quick!


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