Mumma Musing Series 5 ~ Danielle Lalor

Mumma Musing Series 5 ~ Danielle Lalor

Welcome to our Mumma Musing Series 5. We chat with gorgeous mumma and ultimate muse in all facets of life, Danielle Lalor or Instagram identity @_daniellebenton_. Mumma of son Remy, twin, friend, wife, style queen and content creator for @whenwordsfail_, her Instagram is a dreamy curated collection of her mumma journey living on the beautiful beaches of South Coast NSW. 

Here's a little peek into her life...


Tell us a little about you, your family and your journey into Motherhood...

I am currently living on the south coast with my husband and my son who is 16 months now, I have loved every minute of motherhood (so far!) haha 



What does Motherhood mean to you?

Motherhood means family, love & happiness I am so content with my life at the moment. 


Motherhood is no easy feat. Who do you look to for inspiration, motivation and advice?

My mum! She had 4 kids under the age of 4, I always say to her “how did you do it!?” With dad working most days she was an absolute superwoman! 



What part of becoming a parent did you find most challenging or unexpected?

The constant feeding! Remy was always attached to my boob in the early days it was so hard to do anything! 

What part of Motherhood brings you the most joy and happiness?

Seeing Remy learn, grown and smile all day every day brings me so much happiness.



How do you juggle work, life, family?

Since Covid hit everything has been from home so it has been a little bit of a struggle but I try and do everything while Remy sleeps. That’s when I get the most out of the day. 


Do you have a Bubba Cloud and what did you love most about it?

Yes and I absolutely love it! I will definitely be using it for my second bubba.


If you could give one piece of advice to a new/expecting mother, what would it be?

Just go with it, it’s a wild ride but so worth it!

Shop Danielle's favourite Sand Dune Bubba Cloud!

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