Part 1: Celebrating the Father's in our world!

Part 1: Celebrating the Father's in our world!

Father's Day is a time to celebrate the special men in our lives who have supported us, encouraged us, and been there to pick us up when we fall.

From our dads to the father figures in our lives (and the Mums who play both roles) this day is a chance to show appreciation for the countless ways they have touched our lives. On this special day, we are taking a moment to recognise the special Dads in our world. 

Part One:
Today, we are joined by Kath's Fiancé, Trent—Dad to Bobbie-Mae, Emmerson, Everly, and stepdad to Hailey and Billy.

Tell us about your family.

My Fatherhood story ties many chapters of my life together. When I committed to Kath, I dove deep into years of personal work; when I consciously chose to go 'all in' with Kath, I knew that I had found my tribe.  My 2 x stepchildren have healed me at a level I never thought possible. My Bobbie-Mae has amplified a happiness inside of me that I never knew I felt.
And.. I miss my girls daily.
We have a rule in our house - Respect the Queen so I would like to think that we are imperfect and crazy with a lot of love and laughter.

Thinking back to when you found out you would be a Dad again, what did you feel?

I was full of many emotions and, to be frank, shocked it happened so quickly. My past experiences brought on lots of emotions. I was swiftly reminded how different 'this time' would be, which brought gratitude and excitement for the chaos, love and joy I knew was coming. I'm blessed to have gone on this journey with my love. 

What did you do differently during the pregnancy with Bobbie-Mae?

Both Kath and I took a 'beginners' mentality on with the pregnancy. We both identified elements we wanted to do differently. I was at each appointment, stepped up into a nurturing role and supported Kath's choices in things like having a doula and completing a breastfeeding course (I never understood how essential a Father is in the feeding journey, this course changed everything!)


What are your top three tips for Dad's stepping into Fatherhood?
#1 Expect the emotional roller coaster it can be for quite some time. All the hormones, growth, and adaptation to a new way of life (with every baby). Listen, sit with her (The Queen).
#2  You are now the water boy! Yep, you’re going to be filling up more water bottles than ever, making every tea and feeding the Mama.  
#3  Don't forget the chocolate!!!

What have your children taught you? 

My children have taught me to keep my promises and follow through. Kids will express what you suppress and amplify everything - the ultimate lesson! Oh, and so much patience. ;)

What is your favourite part of being a Dad?

Watching Hailey and Billy become siblings to Bobbie-Mae has been a blessing that often brings me to tears. I love the quiet moments with Hailey in the car, where she often talks about life. The play with Billy and listening to his stories, how he views life! 

How will you be spending this Father's Day?

We are heading to Double Island Point for a beach day/drive adventure. It is my day to thank them for choosing me.


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