Packing your baby hospital bag with Kayla Gane

Packing your baby hospital bag with Kayla Gane

We (virtually) chat with soon-to-be mumma, content creator, biz owner and all-round coastal muse Kayla Gane aka @kaylaaaellieee. Kayla and her fiancé are an ambitious pair who create the most beautifully bespoke furniture pieces via Chaii Living as well as own a curated boutique inspired by life seaside at Chaii Boutique. Gold Coast based, Kayla’s unique and authentic style has gained her a loyal following through her love of linen, effortless dressing and minimalist home.

With only a couple of weeks before Kayla welcomes her first baby girl into the world, we get a sneak peek into what she has packed in her hospital bag. The often daunting and confusing task for mammas made a little simpler with a list of Kayla’s must haves, including our beloved Bubba Cloud – of course!

P.S Comment below and let us know if there's anything else that you've packed into your bag!

Firstly, Kayla a huge congratulations on your upcoming arrival, can you tell us how your pregnancy journey has been so far?

I’ve honestly been super lucky with how my pregnancy has gone in terms of I haven’t had any complications yet which I feel super grateful for! In terms of symptoms I definitely have run through most of them and can relate to the women that express how pregnancy isn’t a breeze (The all day nausea is definitely torture) now that I’m towards the end I definitely feel super grateful how smoothing everything has run while also being a exhausted, itchy and moody mess most days haha.

What are you looking forward to most about motherhood?

I’m really looking forward to the change in myself and also seeing the change in my partner. I’m so excited to take on a new role and be someone’s everything! I’ve literally been dreaming and imagining the day since I was a really little girl. I’m so looking forward to teaching and growing with each other :)

Packing your hospital bag can be very overwhelming how did you know where to start? Any places you looked to for inspiration?

Definitely felt super overwhelmed to begin with! Firstly I definitely have overpacked but I personally love having all my creature comforts and I knew I’d rather be overpacked then under packed and sending my partner back home for things! I gathered three or four “hospital bag packing lists” and went through and highlighted my favourites from each list. Everyone is so different so I felt like there were things on certain list that I just didn’t need but then on other lists that I really liked the idea of packing! I also broke down my hospital bag into three suitcases. Labour, baby and hospital stay. I did this so that when I’m in labour all Connor my partner needs to bring is my small labour bag and we can get the other bags when we are settled in with Bub!


Packing essentials for bub:


Packing essentials for mum:

  • Mere Botanicals essential oils and spray 
  • Lullaby Club affirmation cards
  • Frank Green big drink bottle with a straw - must have a straw!
  • Cameras
  • Phone charger 
  • Heat pack 
  • Toiletries
  • Heat/ice packs for boobs and perineum
  • Luvme Eco reusable breast pads
  • Nipple shields (just in case)
  • Lullaby Club loungewear sets (these are super easy to breastfeed in as well)
  • Deiji Studios linen robe 
  • Juem maternity bra
  • Perineum bottle and spray 
  • Tom Organic pads and adult nappies
  • Nat V comfy black underwear 

Other bits:

  • Snacks, snacks and more snacks
  • A couple outfits for my partner! I also packed an outfit and board shorts for him in my labour bag just in case he gets wet from the shower. 
  • Fairy lights (for making a nice vibe at the hospital)
  • Birth plan
  • Teddy for Bub (just for pic ☺️)
  • Earphones and speaker for music 
  • Sleep mask 
  • Named bags from Babe Bump & Beyond

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